Tuesday 21 February 2012

Food Drive!!!

Hello Parents and Guardians,

All 3 Kindergarten classes are hosting a Food Drive this week to donate to Agincourt Community Services Association, which is our community's local food bank.

Please bring in one or more of the following items if you wish to donate:

1.  Non-perishable boxed or canned food items (soup, mixes, lentils, beans, etc.)
2.  Rice
3.  Dry pasta
4.  Macaroni and cheese
5.  Pasta sauce
6.  Hygiene products such as soap, shampoo, deodarant, tooth paste, etc.
7.  Cereal or breakfast bars
8.  Evaporated milk
9.  Bottled water

For more information on the food bank, please visit Agincourt Community Services Association's website at http://www.agincourtcommunityservices.com/ 

We would like to be able to deliver the food items by the end of the day on Friday, February 24th.  Therefore, you will need to bring in your donations by Friday morning.

Please speak with me if you have any further questions.

-Mr. Ashton

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