We were interested in learning about Koala's.
Aurora had an idea to create snow globes, we made them out of water bottles, and put beads, sparkles and water inside.
We made our own Goop and Slime this week, the recipe is below.
We made the home centre into a restaurant. The children made a list of all the things we would need and made them all themselves. Here are some menus they made.
We spent the week watching our egg hatch. Children predicted what would would happen.
We put made water in an ice tray in the freezer and added purple food colouring the next day we disovered that it had turned to ice. We put the coloured ice cubes into the water table and some children predicted that the water would turn purple.
We have a Kindergarten Jewelry Shop. We are building our fine motor skills while also having lots of fun and being creative.
Today we made a den for a bear to hibernate in for the winter. We used natural materials such as; sticks, leaves, pine cones, acorns, corn and we made our own bears. We hope they will be very happy here in the winter.