Room 3 News

I am currently on a one year teaching exchange in Adelaide Australia and therefore this page of the blog will not be used until my return in January 2103. Feel free to read through the archived announcements from last year, there may be some things of interest to you.


Kindergarten News December 16, 2011

There are many great resources online at the libary website and the school website.

Tips for kindergarten to grade 3

  1. Counting can be fun and entertaining. Sing counting songs such as "One, Two Buckle My Shoe". Your local librarian can recommend fun counting books. Play Hopscotch – it's a counting game! There are lots of games where you count, such as Snakes and Ladders, Dominoes, Crazy Eights and Candyland®.
  2. Computers + math = fun. There are great computer games available for math – ask your librarian or check out your local computer store. Make sure they are "parent approved". There are also super websites that have fun math games, such as TVOKids, or do an Internet search for other sites.
  3. Start Easy and Work Up! Once they have got the hang of counting by 1s, introduce skip counting, such as counting by 2s and 5s.
  4. Use household items for counting practice. Practise adding and subtracting with objects found around your house like spoons or pots and pans. When they've become good at these skills, move on to simple multiplication.
  5. Tap into your child's curiosity. Go on a number hunt together and discover places where numbers are used such as a clock, TV, computer keyboard, calendar, telephones and licence plates.
  6. Use everyday activities. Your child's world is filled with everyday math problems that can be solved. For example, "There are four people in our family and we each need a knife and a fork to eat dinner. How many knives and forks do we need to set the table?"
  7. Kitchens can be math zones. Bake some muffins or cookies and ask your child to help you measure out the ingredients. It may be a bit messy but it's fun family time and there's nothing like a fresh cookie as a reward. Have math fridge magnets available so children can start making number patterns and doing simple math problems.
  8. Predict and compare. Start to measure and estimate things like how far it is from the driveway to the house or how long a trip will take and then measure and compare the actual time it takes.
  9. Talk about time. The concept of time can be hard to grasp. Talk to your kids about minutes and hours. Then get them to try counting days and weeks – for example how many "sleeps" until the weekend or a visit to a friend or relative.
  10. Identify geometric shapes and sizes. Play "I Spy". Instead of looking for words beginning with a letter, look for different colours or shapes and count the number you find in the room.

Kindergarten News December 15, 2011
Today, Mr. Leventhal (my dad) and Ms. Natalie (my sister) came to Inglewood to talk to us about Hanukkah. We learned a little bit about the menorah and why there are 8 candles and a helper candle, we learned about dreidels (spinning tops), and we even sang the dreidel song with Mr. Ashton. Tomorrow will be hat day! Please have your child wear their favourite hat tomorrow! They will be able to wear their hat all day in school! Hurray!

Just a reminder that the last day of school for 2011 will be December 23, 2011 and school will reopen on January 9, 2012.

It will be sad to leave Inglewood but please check the blog often as I will be posting news about my new kindergarten class and my adventures in Australia. I have enjoyed working with your children this year and look forward to seeing everyone in 2013!!!!

Just a reminder that Inglewood's food drive started on Monday.  Please bring in donations.  
Here is a list of the most needed items: 
  1. Canned Meat & Fish
  2. Peanut Butter
  3. Beans in Sauce
  4. Rice
  5. Cold Cereal
  6. Canned Fruit
  7. Macaroni & Cheese
  8. Canned Stew & Chili
  9. Canned Vegetables
  10. Baby formula and baby food



1. Santa photos tomorrow after school
2. Popcorn sales on Thursday December 8, 2011
3. Hand in pizza lunch orders they will go home today!
4. WINTER CONCERT on Thursday December 22, 2011 at 7:00 pm. Please come to our concert and see your child perform. All Kindergarten classes will be singing a beautiful song together! The song can be found in your child's POEMS and SONGS folder which will be going home this Thursday! Please practise the song for the concert.
5. There will be NO SCHOOL for students this Friday December 9, 2011 as it is a PA DAY!

I hope that I didn't forget anything. If so, I shall post throughout the week!

We have been talking to your child about the importance of doing things by themselves (e.g., getting ready on their own). I understand that sometimes you may feel the need to always help them,(e.g., because they are taking too long) but we kindly ask that you simply encourage your child to do things independently and efficiently on their own and if they really do need help, then of course assist them.

The Kindergarten Program focuses on preparing your child to be independent and self-reliant. We want your child to be develop these skills in the early years as these are fundamental skills that they will need in the future. We need your help and support to simply guide them.

Listed below are some examples of what your child SHOULD be doing independently:

1. Getting dressed on their own (e.g., clothes, jackets, boots, shoes, hats, scarves, etc...)
2. Brushing their teeth on their own
3. Eating meals throughout the day on their own
4. Using the washroom on their own
5. Walking on their own

Believe it or not, but your child CAN REALLY DO THESE THINGS INDEPENDENTLY because they do it everyday at school! We are so proud of them and the things they are  capable of doing!

Continue to encourage them in every way! Many thanks...

December 5, 2012
Just a reminder that there is no school this Friday December 9, 2011.
I am in the process of fixing the comment section of the blog currently comments are not showing up online. If you have comments please email to me at and I will post them. I value your ideas and comments.

The Winter Concert will be on December 22, please mark this date down. In your child's song book this week you will see our song we are practicing for the concert, please have your child teach you the song and sing together.

Question Box
Please see the homepage for pictures of our question box. Catherine wanted to share a link we found about animals that fly, this was her question in the box.

Recylced items
We looking for the following items, toilet paper rolls and plastic water bottles. We are going to make snow globes, Kinara's for Kwanza and Menorah's for Haunkkah.

Winter Holidays
If you would like to come in and talk about a holiday you celebrate, we would be very happy to have you join us. My father Mr. Leventhal will be coming into talk about Hanukkah and make a menorah with the class.

Gingerbread Play Dough Recipe ( This is the recipe we used in class this week with Ms. Dutton) This is a great adaption for the holidays! This play dough recipe smells like freshly baked gingerbread cookies.

1 Cup flour
1/2 Cup salt
2 teaspoons cream of tartar
1 cup water
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
Spices–Cinnamon, Allspice, Ginger, Nutmeg

Mix the dry ingredients all together. Add small amounts the spices you prepared to the mix until it smells great. Mix water and oil in a separate bowl, then mix together both bowls into a large pan. It needs to cook for two to three minutes, or until it is dough-like.

Kindergarten News November 22, 2012
We have been reading the story the Gingerbread man in class and signing songs about Gingerbread people. We have practised re-telling the story using our own words and making Gingerbread people with play dough and in the sand centre.  Tomorrow at school we will be making Gingerbread people and decorating them.

I have created a new page on the blog titled Australia. I will be posting updates from my exchange on this page and would like to use it as a way to communicate with Kindergarten students in Room 3. I hope while I am gone we will be able to be penpals with my Kindergarten class in Australia.

Next week we will begin our math focus of patterning. Here are a few ideas to get started on introducing patterning.

Hello parents and guardians,We have been talking to your child about the importance of doing things by themselves (e.g., getting ready on their own). I understand that sometimes you may feel the need to always help them,(e.g., because they are taking too long) but we kindly ask that you simply encourage your child to do things independently and efficiently on their own and if they really do need help, then of course assist them.

The Kindergarten Program focuses on preparing your child to be independent and self-reliant. We want your child to be develop these skills in the early years as these are fundamental skills that they will need in the future. We need your help and support to simply guide them.

Listed below are some examples of what your child SHOULD be doing independently:

1. Getting dressed on their own (e.g., clothes, jackets, boots, shoes, hats, scarves, etc...)
2. Brushing their teeth on their own
3. Eating meals throughout the day on their own
4. Using the washroom on their own
5. Walking on their own

Believe it or not, but your child CAN REALLY DO THESE THINGS INDEPENDENTLY because they do it everyday at school! We are so proud of them and the things they are  capable of doing!

Continue to encourage them in every way! Many thanks...


1. Santa photos after school today
2. Popcorn sales on Thursday December 8, 2011
3. Hand in pizza lunch orders they will go home today!
4. WINTER CONCERT on Thursday December 22, 2011 at 7:00 pm. Please come to our concert and see your child perform. All Kindergarten classes will be singing a beautiful song together! The song can be found in your child's POEMS and SONGS folder which will be going home this Thursday! Please practise the song for the concert.
5. There will be NO SCHOOL for students this Friday December 9, 2011 as it is a PA DAY!

I hope that I didn't forget anything. If so, I shall post throughout the week!
We find patterns in nature, art, music, and literature. We also find them in numbers. Patterns are at the very heart of math. The ability to recognize patterns helps us to make predictions based on our observations. Understanding patterns helps prepare children for the study of algebra in later grades.
  • Look for patterns in storybooks and songs. Many children's books and songs repeat lines or passages in predictable ways, allowing children to recognize and predict the patterns.
  • Create patterns using your body. Clap and stomp your foot in a particular sequence (clap, clap, stomp), have your child repeat the same sequence, then create variations of the pattern together. Teach your child simple dances that include repeated steps and movements.
  • Hunt for patterns around your house and your neighbourhood. Your child will find patterns in clothing, in wallpaper, in tiles, on toys, and among trees and flowers in the park. Encourage your child to describe the patterns found. Try to identify the features of the pattern that are repeated.
  • Use household items to create and extend patterns. Lay down a row of spoons pointing in different directions in a particular pattern (up, up, down, up, up, down) and ask your child to extend the pattern.

Here is the link to the November Early Years Centre calender.

Kindergarten News November 17, 2011
I hope everyone is enjoying their day. Below is the link to Parks and Recreation programs which are available for children and adults.

Just a reminder to bring your snuggle book to school each day. Many children are forgetting to bring them back to school.

The Gingerbread Man

For the past two weeks, we have been reading the Gingerbread Man. We also read the story the Gingerbread Girl. Below, is a link to the story the Gingerbread Man. Please ask your child to tell you the story using their own words. We will be making our own gingerbread cookies next week! Stay tuned for more details.

Have a terrific weekend.

Kindergarten News November 13, 2011

I hope everyone is having a great weekend. 

 The children in Room three found a giant world map on Friday and really enjoyed talking about all the countries they saw and places their families are from. We talked about the many different countries they knew about or had visited. We would like to learn more about other countries in the world and places your families came from. If you have any books, videos, pictures what would help our learning about other countries we would love for you to share with us. If you would like to come in and talk about your home country or somewhere you have visited we would also really like that. Over the next week please create a flag of the country you or your family comes from. We are going to hang them near our world map and label these places on the map. If you need any supplies to make the flags please let me know and I provide them. 

This week we will be having parent teacher conferences with Senior Kindergarten parents and guardians. Junior Kindergarten students will be having an observation visit in the classroom. Please select that date you prefer. If you are unable to make the observation visit please let me know so we can find a time to meet. 

There is no library book exchange this week as we are having a book fair at school. Please feel free to come visit the book fair this week. Our class will be going on Wednesday to view the selection. 
Below I have complied resources and learning tools for you and your child.

Math activities you can do at home.Try to do one or two a day.
1.    Count the days for the month.
2.    How many Mondays in the month? How many Fridays?
3.    How many chair legs?
4.    Get 7 coins. Which ones are they?
5.    What is today’s date? Hop that many times. 
6.    Find the largest box in the kitchen. Find the smallest.
7.    Draw 5 circles. Color four.
8.What comes next: 7___________11___________15_________.
9.Draw 4 squares. Color the second one.
10.Count the spoons in your kitchen.
11.Draw something that is round in your kitchen.
12.How many numbers are on the face of a clock?
13.Draw 7 circles. Color the second and fourth.
14.Count your fingers and toes. How many in all?
15.How many shoes are in the house?
16.Are there more doors or windows in your house?
17.Draw 2 triangles. Circle the larger one.
18.Get 10 coins. What are they?
19.Count to 30. Clap with each numbers.

Videos that will help to teach letter sounds and numbers.

Dressing for winter information:

 Kindergarten News November 8, 2011
Just a reminder that this Friday is our shape party please let me know if you plan on bringing a snack to share with the class. We have 22 students in our class and all snacks must be NUT free. Your child took home their photos today, if you would like to purchase photos please bring the form and money as soon as possible or on the date indicated.
Please submit your interview and observation time request as soon as possible so we can try our best to give you the time you prefer.

Below are some helpful sites you may want to visit, some are about preparing for Kindergarten and how to promote self help skills.

The weather will be getting cooler soon and children will need to start bringing warm clothes such as; scarves, gloves, hats, etc. Please start teaching your child how to get ready on their own. Please also practice self help skills such as unpacking their backpacks, taking out their snuggle books, library books and song books and repacking their bags.

 Kindergarten News November 3, 2011

We have a had a great week in Kindergarten with many new inquires. The children were interested in learning about the universe, planets and stars, tomorrow we are going to make our own universe out of art materials. I will post the pictures soon.

We have been learning all about trees and their importance. We talked about animals that live in trees, the cycle of a tree through the seasons and fruits that come from trees. We watched a video about growing apple trees and even planted apple seeds from our snack this week. Children drew pictures in their inquiry books about all the amazing facts they had learned about trees from non-fiction books.

Children have been very interested to make their own puppets for our homemade puppet theater. They had a great time making different animal puppets. We also created the Three Little Pig puppets to retell the story. The children helped to create three pig houses out of recycled boxes. Senior Kindergarten students are very busy creating their very own Three Little Pigs story books.

I have sent home November homework calenders, these have many fun activities you can do at home to promote literacy and numeracy.  Just a reminder that you need to bring your child's snuggle book to school each day so they can get a new one. They also need to bring their library books back to school by Monday each day. We have library each Tuesday.

The Ontario Early Years Center is a great resource for parents I recommend visiting them. Below is the November calender.

We have been focusing on two dimensional shapes and will soon be learning about three dimensional shapes . We are learning to identify shapes and describe them. Practise finding shapes around the house and around your neighbourhood and describe the shapes that you see (e.g., the door that I see is a rectangle and it has two long sides, and two short sides. It also has four corners/points). Next Friday, we will be having a shape party. Stay tuned for more details. Below are some songs about shapes. You can sing these songs with your children. Click on the links below.
Enjoy singing and practise recognizing some of the 2D (flat shapes) and 3D shapes you see in the videos.

Have a great weekend.

Kindergarten News November 1, 2011

Kindergarten News October 30th 2011