Below you will see pictures of fun activities you can do at home to build literacy skills.
Chalboards and chalk
You can get some side walk chalk and have fun writing outside.
Magnetic Letters
Have your child use magentic letters to write their name and the names of family members.
Read together
After reading together in a book write about your favourite part, something the book reminds you of, change the ending or draw the characters from the story.
Write together
Here we were writing about what vegetables we want to put into our soup. At home write about experinces such as cooking together, going to the park, etc. Have your child draw pictures and help them to sound out words or write for them.
Use shaving cream on a tray and practice to write letters in the cream with your fingers.
Put rice into a container and have your child practice writing letters.
In the dramatic play area, children use their imaginations to create puppet shows. They are building their oral language skills. You can create a puppet theater at home. Ask your child to use recylced items to make one.

Put sand in a container and use your finger to make letters. You could also use a straw to write with.
If you have any suggestions please post a comment below.
Have fun trying some of these activities!