Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Hello Room Three

Dear Room Three,
I hope you are enjoying your March break and are spending lots of time with your family and friends. I miss you very much and enjoy hearing from Mrs. Meredith that you are all doing very well. This past weekend we went on a really exciting trip to Kangaroo Island I got to see some of the most beautiful wildlife I have every seen. We saw seals soaking up the sun on the rocks and surfing in the waves. We saw so many kangaroos and koalas. My favourite was the white kangaroos, they reminded me of Crouton who I miss very much. I am so glad that Mrs. Meredith got the letter from our Kindy, I hope you got to see all the beautiful pictures the children created. There is also a picture of the other Kindy teachers and children. They enjoy hearing all about Canada and they really liked learning all about winter.

I wanted to share some photos with you.

 I hope to hear from you soon.
Love Ms. Leventhal

 At KIndy we have a very cute little pet a hoping mouse. 

 One of the children at Kindy has baby chickens, his mum brought them into Kindy so we could learn all about chicks.
 My new friends from Kangroo Island.

 Crouton Kangaroo.

 We had an aboriginal Australian story teller come and we painted wings on ourselves and pretended to be birds while he told us the story of the fire birds.
 This is another Kindy pet, it's a stick insect.
 We are growing corn and it is getting really big now.
 My favourite Kindy pet, Diesel the turtle. He loves to pose for photos.