Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

We are making our own Chicka Chicka Boom Boom trees, check out the story and song the children really love it.

The Snow is Here!!!!

We had a great time today playing outside in the first snow fall of the season.

 In our inquiry lab books we drew pictures about playing in the snow.

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Dinosaur Inquiry

The children in Room three were  very interested in learning about dinosaurs after some children brought in some from home that they made. We talked about what they know about dinosaurs and what they wanted to learn, below you will see their ideas.

What we know
- They eat somebody ( Catherine)
- They do roar ( Khushi)
- Lived in Canada, they think we hurt them and the protect themselves ( Mekai)
- They protect themselves by fighting with their armour on their back, they run away ( John)
- Tyey eat plants and meat ( Jayme)
- They run, sometimes move if they go in water what will happen?
- They stomp their feet really really hard
- One dinosaur has a neck 3,000 inches tall ( John)
- One palentologist discovered a cave in the water, there was one under water some dinosaurs live in the water ( John, Jasmine)

If they go in water they will...
- He's going to die (Abbey)
- He's going to drown ( Aurora)
- It will turn into a bone or fossil ( Lamar)

Some of the questions children have are:
- Do dinosaurs dig or swim in water and dig?
- How do dinosaurs live in water?
- How do dinosaurs roar lour and run fast?

I asked the children how we could find out the answers they said we should, go to the library, use the Smartboard and computer. We have a selection of non-fiction books we have been reading to learn more and we have been watching videos as well. We have a dinosaur disovery table where children are digging up dinosaurs and learning about bones and fossils. If you find any interesting research or facts about dinosaurs please share with the class.
We made birds nests, with natural materials.

Aurora shared her Mandarin picture dictonary, we learned to write numbers.

We were baking in the sanbox.

Khushi loves to make books for our class.
The children were very interested in dinosaurs, we made a dig for dinosaurs and pretending to be palentologisits.

We read non-fiction books to learn more about dinosaurs.

We are experimenting with paint, Abbey made a butterfly.

We are busy learning to write letters.

John made animal footprints at the art table with natural materials.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

A great week in Kindergarten

Mekai made a recipe for making Gingerbread people, we made then out of playdough and in the sand box.

We had a great time today making Gingerbread people. We made a graph of what type of person we wanted to make.

We experimented with different materials in the water table to see what sinks and floats. We documented our findings on paper.

We used measuring tools to see how long our worms are.

We had fun making airplanes and pretended to fly them to other countires.

Ms. Dutton made playdough with the class, here is the recipe. It is special playdough that smells like Gingerbread cookies.

We created a giant city today, it started when some children drew airplanes and then added a run way. Then children added many other things to it such as, parks, road, signs, etc.